
One Piece War

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One Piece isn’t the kind of series to wage wars for no reason, and the conflicts it has raised have been big to say the least. Now, it looks like the series is preparing its biggest war yet,.

  1. One Piece War At Marineford
  2. One Piece Warriors 2
  3. One Piece Warriors 4


One piece summit war arc

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Short Summary

The aftermath of the war's conclusion is felt all around the world. In the midst of it, Luffy reflects on the past to the days he met Ace as well as another boy, Sabo, who would be his 'brother' and the events of which would have a profound impact on both boys' lives.

Main Summary

Post War Arc has the following tropes:


One Piece War At Marineford

  • Aristocrats Are Evil: The Goa Kingdom nobles don't quite reach the level of puppy-kicking evil that the Celestial Dragons have, but after trying to clean up the city to make it more presentable for the arrival of a Celestial Dragon by having the Grey Terminal torched and attempting to execute everyone living there, it's certainly not for lack of trying.
  • Aww, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other:
    • Dadan always wished Luffy, Ace, and Sabo would get out of her hair despite the threat of Garp hanging over her head. But when Ace and later Luffy left to start their adventure and gave her thanks for raising them, she burst into tears.
    • Not to mention that after Ace dies, Dadan beats up Garp for not protecting Ace. Makino defends Garp saying that he's the one hurting here. Dadan, in tears, says the one hurting the most is Luffy, and causes Makino herself to breakdown in tears as the memories flash before her eyes.
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  • Badly Battered Babysitter: Dadan was already having trouble with Ace and Luffy. Then Sabo came along and didn't help.
  • Barefoot Suicide: Nami provides a humorous subversion: she takes her sandals off before pretending to jump off Weatheria, in order to trick the old men into letting her stay for two years. They fall for it hook, line and sinker.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Dragon and the Revolutionaries had effectively saved the Gray Terminal from being completely incinerated.
  • Bittersweet Ending: For the first half of the series. Ace and Whitebeard are dead and the balance of the world is in shambles, but Luffy's crewmates are doing okay and they plan to get stronger in two years before they reunite for the New World.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Curiously enough, Brownbeard. He doesn't actually die in this arc, despite practically screaming Small Name, Big Ego, and the Straw Hat Pirates encounter him on their first island in the New World: Punk Hazard.
    • Sabo is first introduced here, though at the end of the arc it seems he died
  • Dead Man Writing: Sabo's final letter to Ace, which he sent thinking it would be after he ran away to be a pirate.
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  • Defector from Decadence: Sabo was actually a noble, but he hated that life and ran away to be a scavenger. It fails horribly.
  • Dramatic Irony: As this is after the Marineford Arc, one thing tragically stands out. After Sabo's death by being blown up by a World Noble, Luffy becomes a tearful wreck, as he's unable to save him. Ace smacks him and assures him to drop it, as Ace's still alive and he won't let his little brother be left alone. And considering that Luffy has now lost both of his brothers, and Ace died to save him.. Thank God, Sabo was alive.
  • Even Justice Has Standards: Sengoku, who 20 years prior was complicit in the Ohara bombardment and possibly even the massacres of pregnant women in several islands to find the child of Roger, draws the line when an untold number of Level Six criminals escape back into the world, and the World Government decide to cover it up to save face. It's mentioned that just one those criminals is a country-level threat. Is it any wonder he decided to resign?
  • Flashback: The whole arc is pretty much made up of one.
  • Flat-Earth Atheist: In a world of magical fruits giving people superpowers called 'Devil Fruits', unnatural weather, and strange creatures that some of which border the supernatural, Longarm Tribesmen (who to the reader, and the rest of the outside world In-Universe, come off as pretty weird) don't believe in demons, so Brook's attempt to threaten them only gets him kidnapped.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • Dragon's appearance with Sabo. It's also mentioned that he rescued someone who was heavily burnt..
    • Jimbei leaves Amazon Lily promising to meet Luffy again in Fishman Island.
    • Trafalgar Law knows that Rayleigh has plans for Luffy, and realizes that for the Pirate King's Right Hand to appear, it's gotta be something big. Interested, he sails off, but not to the New World, declaring 'D. will cause another storm'. We find out the significance of this statement in the Dressrosa Arc.
  • Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Jimbei does this to Luffy when he comes to terms with Ace's death.
  • Gonk: Stelly. No wonder Sabo's parents thought he'd make a better heir; he looks like his family tree has been through even more inbreeding than the other noble families.
  • He Knows Too Much: As a child, Ace and Sabo tried to pull this on Luffy, but drop the idea when they realize neither of them had killed before.
  • Heroic BSoD: Luffy after Ace's death.
  • How Do I Shot Web?: This arc shows us just how far Luffy has come with controlling his powers.
  • Kill the Poor: The Goa Kingdom's nobles decide to burn the Gray Terminal with the people living there, just to make sure the island looks clean in preparation for the arrival of a Celestial Dragon.
  • Manly Tears:
    • Luffy cried when coming to terms with Ace's death.
    • Likewise, Ace after reading Sabo's letter after his death.
  • Meaningful Funeral: Ace and Whitebeard's graves.
  • Never Found the Body/Dead Hat Shot:
    • Sabo's, whose boat is blown up by a World Noble.
  • Not So Different: The three Longarm tribesmen shown back in the end of the Amazon Lily Arc were defeated and imprisoned by the Harahettania people, with Brook's help. The chief declared that as punishment, they should make a side-show out of them, which incidentally, was the reason those Longarm tribesmen kept kidnapping their people (and later did to Brook).
  • Opt Out: Garp and Sengoku resign from the Marines in the aftermath of the Battle in Marineford.
  • Predecessor Villain: Bluejam is the main villain of the flashback. Alongside with the King of Goa.
  • Public Secret Message: Luffy returned to Marineford to honor the dead and rang the Ox Bell. The Marines took this as a declaration of war, but his crew saw the newspaper and knew that this wasn't like Luffy to do something like that, and recognized the real message Luffy was sending to them.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Subverted in this case, as Ace nearly starts to go looking for the one who killed Sabo. Dadan, showing surprising concern at this point, stops him and has her gang tie him up so he doesn't get himself killed.
  • Shout-Out: The leader of the gang that wanted to steal the Thousand Sunny looks like Sun Wukong.
  • Spare to the Throne: Sabo's parents, after he ran away the first time, decided they needed a more stable heir and adopted a kid more suited for the royal lifestyle.
  • Taking You with Me: After the Bluejam Pirates are backstabbed by the Goa nobles and left to burn in the Grey Terminal, they attempt to keep Ace and Luffy from escaping, and make them give them their stolen treasure while they're at it.
  • Tempting Fate: Duval assigning himself with protecting the Trhousand Sunny until the Straw Hats return boasts that no matter who their enemy is, he'll fight them..and then Kuma shows up. Despite being fully converted, he's actually on his side.
  • Town with a Dark Secret: The citizens of the Goa Kingdom Capital city send all the trash generated within to a trash heap located just outside the city walls. However, when inspectors from the World Government, or the Tenryuubito are scheduled to visit, they decide to burn it all to the ground, incluiding the poor citizens and thugs that live there without warning them, as they consider them trash as well.
  • Training from Hell: Implied and Played With for each of the Straw Hats on the islands Kuma sent them to.
    • Luffy was sent to an island of Haki adepts, but Raleigh arrives and takes him to a different island where the seasons change weekly all the way from the most scorching summer to the most freezing winter. Oh, and the local wildlife are all the size of King Kong.
    • Zoro was sent to the island that Mihawk basically uses as a summer retreat.
    • Nami lands on a Sky Island whose entire industry is the study and manipulation of weather. Can we say 'jackpot'?
    • Usopp gets trapped in the Boin Archipelago, a venus flytrap the size of a jungle. Aside from all the various plants a trickster like Usopp can make good use of, the island itself is practically Action Survivor Boot Camp.
    • Sanji, for all that the Kamabakka Kingdom is an Ironic Hell for him, discovers that the island has 99 secret recipes for food that strengthens the body. And they won't just give him the recipes either. He has to steal them while avoiding their attempts to make him go native.
    • Chopper looks like he's landed in the middle of a backwards tribal society, but they actually have a treasure trove of pharmaceutical knowledge. Jackpot again.
    • Robin landed on Tequila Wolf, a society built on slave labor to build something with no known purpose.. right before the place was raided by the revolutionary army and everyone set free. Looks like Robin's getting to meet Luffy's dad before Luffy himself does.
    • Franky lands on Vegapunk's home island. Yes, that Vegapunk. Through a series of wacky hijinks, he uncovers Vegapunks secret lab where he did his weapons research. For the Gadgeteer Genius that is Franky, this is yet another jackpot.
    • Brook looks like the big loser of this set-up when he gets captured by members of the longarm tribe who are only interested in making money off of him as a sideshow attraction. Until Brook reminds us that he's a musician who has just been handed an audience on a silver platter.
  • We Will Meet Again:
    • A heroic version occurs when Jimbei tells Luffy he will meet him again on Fishman Island.
    • Likewise, Luffy sends a subtle one out to his crew; telling them instead of meeting up three days as they planned, they would do so again in two years to focus on training so they may be strong enough to take on the New World.
  • Wham Episode: Luffy decides that the crew needs to get stronger and tells them to meet up again in two years.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Sengoku in response to hearing the Government won't allow the Marines to issue bounties, or warn the world's citizens in any way that a bunch of crazy, superpowerful villains are running amok in plain sight so that..those citizens can keep their faith in them, (rightfully) shouts: 'Are you kidding me?!'
  • Whole Episode Flashback: Downplayed, but the meat of the arc is an extended flashback depicting how Luffy met Ace and Sabo and became brothers with them before suffering tragedy.
  • Worth Living For:
    • When he was at his absolute lowest, his crew was the only reason Luffy kept on living.
    • Also the conclusion of Ace's existentialist crisis about being Roger's kid was partially resolved by Luffy's revelation that he (Luffy) was lonely and he sought Ace's companionship because 'being alone is worse than being in pain' and Luffy would be sad if Ace was dead.
  • Won the War, Lost the Peace: Not long after the Marines win against the Whitebeard Pirates, the world starts going out of control; As Jimbei said, Whitebeard's death created a power vacuum more bloodthirsty pirates are eager to fill, and islands once under his protection are now open game. Whitebeard's Famous Last Words about One Piece existing has reignited a second Age of Pirates, creating havoc outside of the Grand Line. And the Marines can't respond to either crisis due to the losses from the War.
  • Wounded Gazelle Gambit: An imprisoned Nami after being caught stealing in Weatheria convinces the people to set her free because she was only trying to find a way to return to the Blue Sea and meet Luffy at the rendezvous point in Sabaody, starts crying Crocodile Tears, and mentions that he'd just just lost his brother in the Battle of Marineford. As soon as they release her, she takes Haredas hostage to get him to tell her how to leave, and everyone else to back off. Later partially subverted as she was genuinely sad for Luffy, and the tears were indeed real.
  • Wretched Hive: Gray Terminal, a massive junkyard located outside the gate of the capital city of Goa, where many of the Kingdom's poor and undesirable populations live.
  • You Are Not Alone: Jimbei reminds Luffy that while he has lost a lot during the war, he hasn't lost everything. Luffy then realizes he still has his True Companions, and breaks out of his Heroic BSoD.
  • Zany Scheme: Silvers Rayleigh essentially plans this for Luffy: He has him with Jimbei break into Marineford again, sail around it once, then have Luffy ring the Ox Bell 16 times before taking a moment of silence for those who lost their lives in Marineford and having his snapshot taken by the press before scooting off again. It certainly got everyone talking, but there was a specific message that only his True Companions would get.


One Piece has struck out with some big battles before, but its wartime efforts are always something special. Now, it seems a new skirmish is on the horizon for the Straw Hats, and it will not be a pretty one by any means.

After all, Monkey D. Luffy has brought his crew to the wild world of Wano, and the Beast Pirates don’t take kindly to any threat.

Recently, One Piece’s latest chapter delved into its next big conflict. With the ‘Wano’ arc well underway, Luffy and part of his crew have come together under Kinemon. The samurai just dropped a major time-traveling bombshell on the pirates, informing the group his clan has traveled from the past to free Wano. However, war may be needed to see such freedom.

While Kinemon stresses war is not his group’s mission, it seems likely the conflict will grow into such an event given its numbers alone.

One Piece Warriors 2

“Our current forces are: the Straw Hat crew led by Luffy, the Heart Pirates led by by Law, and two groups from the Mink Tribe. The Musketeers led by Inuarashi and the Guardians led by Nekomamushi as well as the samurai we’ve recruited with the will to rebel,” the older samurai explains.

“Ideally, our forces would need to be 5,000 strong. However, waging a war is not our intention,” Kinemon continues. “Our goal is to gather information in complete secrecy and take the commander’s head. The plane will comment in two weeks’ time!”

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While Kinemon wants to keep his operation hush-hush, fans know the chances of that going as planned are low. If the samurai has that large of an alliance backing him, the heads of Wano will pick up on the threat before long, and Kaido didn’t come to lead the Beast Pirates because of his stupidity. The savage Yonko has ears everywhere on the island country, and it’s just a matter of time before Luffy accidentally blows everyone’s cover by doing something loudly heroic.

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One Piece Warriors 4


What do you expect to come from this fated showdown? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB to talk all things comics and anime!

Eiichiro Oda's One Piece first began serialization in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump in 1997. It has since been collected into over 80 volumes, and has been a critical and commercial success worldwide with many of the volumes breaking printing records in Japan. The manga has even set a Guinness World Record for the most copies published for the same comic book by a single author, and is the best selling manga series worldwide with over 430 million copies sold.

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